

Application of indirect adjustment method of observations with condition equations in partitioning adjustments
摘要 在工、矿企业扩建中,由于工程控制网的特定要求,使相邻A、C两区控制网需按附有限制条件的间接平差方法来处理时,本文提出,直接引用A区控制网的余因子阵,通过部分有限的计算,可达到A、C两区控制网统一平差的目的。 In extension projects of mines and factories, owing to special requirements of the engineering control networks, it is demanded that the triangulation networks of two neighbouring regions A and C should be handled by indirect adjustment method of observations with condition equations. This paper request the direct utilization of the complementary divisor matrix of region A triangulation network. After calculatious of limited scope, the overall adjustment of A and C control networks con be achieved as explained here.
作者 丁永涛
出处 《勘察科学技术》 1990年第2期46-49,共4页 Site Investigation Science and Technology


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