
古希腊4大竞技赛会的文化差异 被引量:4

Comparison of cultural differences between 4 major competitive games in ancient Greece
摘要 古希腊最突出的4大"冠冕赛会":奥林匹亚竞技赛会、皮提亚竞技赛会、尼米亚竞技赛会、科林斯地峡竞技赛会,不但是希腊人祭祀神灵的宗教仪式,更是希腊人自己的盛大节日。4大竞技赛会都以宗教祭祀为主,但祭祀的主神不同。赛会的优胜者追求的只是荣誉称号,获得的是由不同植物编制的花冠。赛会传递着和平信号,共同祭祀同一神灵达到一种同化与融合,但各大赛会主要融合的对象不同。用体育竞技对抗代替现实的武力冲突,以和平的方式达到战略目的,各大赛会比赛的内容侧重不同。古希腊的4大竞技赛会,尽管其起源和内容与宗教信仰、神灵崇拜、文化习俗有着千丝万缕的联系,但在本质上却是最为世俗的竞技比赛。 The 4 major "corona games" most prominent in ancient Greece are Olympic Games, Pitia Games, Nimiya Games, Kolinsdexia Games. It is fair to say that these games are not only religious rituals for Grecians to worship to gods, but also their own grand holidays. The 4 competitive games are all mainly for religious rituals, but gods worshipped are different. What the winners of the games pursued were just honorable titles, and what they got were plant coronas made of different plants. What the games conveyed was a signal of peace, i.e. to worship the same god in order to achieve a sort of assimilation and fusion, but the games' primary subjects of fusion are different. As for using sports to go against and replace armed conflicts and using peaceful means to achieve strategic goals, the games have different focuses in terms of competition contents. Although the origins and contents of the 4 major competitive games in ancient Greece are related to their religious believes, god worshipping and cultural customs in many ways, essentially they are unreligious competitive games.
作者 邓正龙
出处 《体育学刊》 CAS CSSCI 北大核心 2009年第7期93-97,共5页 Journal of Physical Education
关键词 古奥林匹克运动 竞技赛会 比较文化 古希腊 Ancient Olympic Games competitive game cultural comparison ancient Greece
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