Based on the data of species and population we got from the research of wetland birds in Dunhuang West Lake National Nature Reserve of Gansu Province from 2007 to 2008, this article aimed to assess the importance of the wetland bird habitat using fuzzy synthetic method in 8 wetlands in the nature reserve. The fuzzy membership function value was measured by the best value of factors. We dealt with the data in two values, one was the maximum of spring data, the other was the maximum of autumn data. We got the results as follows : ( 1 ) The wetland bird habitat was more important in spring than that in autumn in all 8 wetlands, so spring is a key period to the management of the habitat. (2)The Nanhu wetland was the most important habitat of all both in spring and autumn, it was 0. 938 and 0. 966. In spring, for other wetlands like Yanchi Sinus, Yangshui Lake, Nanda Lake, the results were similar, positioned in the second most important habitats where equal attentions are required for management. Other wetlands like Danghe Reservoir, Dunzi Sinus, Majuan Sinus, Nanyuan Lake, which were less important, only routine management is required. (3)In autumn, the habitats in all wetlands were generally less important except that in Nanhu wetland. Although the habitats in Yangshui Lake, Yanchi Sinus had relatively higher importance of 0. 340 and 0. 269, routine management is enough.
Acta Ecologica Sinica