4Kingsley Davis, and Wilbert Moore, 1945, Some Principles of Stratification, American Sociological Review, 10 : pp. 242 - 249. 被引量:1
5Neil J. Smelser, 1984, Sociology(alternate edition), New Jersey: Prentice - Hall, Inc,. Englewood Cliffs, pp. 157 - 158, p.158. 被引量:1
6Stephen K. Sanderson, 1991, Maerosociology." an introduction to human society (second edition), New York; HarperColllns Publishers Inc., pp. 126 -127. 被引量:1
7Harold R. Kerbo, 1991, Social stratification and inequality:class conflict in historical and comparative perspective (second edition), New York: McGraw-Hill, Inc., pp.104-06, pp.109-114, p. 128. 被引量:1