A method for rapid quantitative determination of sucrose in isatis-root granules by Fourier Transform Infrared Spectrophotometry(FTIR) was developed.Potassium ferricyanide was chosen as an inside mark material because it has only one strong absorption peak at 2117cm-1 and the peak was chosen as its quantitative peak.The peak at 1283cm-1 is the characteristic absorption of sucrose and was chosen as the quantitative peak of sucrose.The ratio of the two absorbances is I=Ai/As.K3[Fe(CN)6] and sucrose were mixed according to a certain mass ratio m=mi/ms to prepare standard samples.The curve of m versus I is the quantitative working curve.The linear range for sucrose is 5.0~23.0mg/g,the recovery is in the range of 91%~103%,the relative standard deviation is less than 5%.
A method for rapid quantitative determination of sucrose in isatis-root granules by Fourier Transform Infrared Spectrophotometry(FTIR) was developed. Potassium ferricyanide was chosen as an inside mark material because it has only one strong absorption peak at 2117cm^-1 and the peak was chosen as its quantitative peak. The peak at 1283cm^-1 is the characteristic absorption of sucrose and was chosen as the quantitative peak of sucrose. The ratio of the two absorbanees is I = Ai/As. K3 [ Fe(CN) 6 ] and sucrose were mixed according to a certain mass ratio m = mi/ms to prepare standard samples. The curve of m versus I is the quantitative working curve. The linear range for sucrose is 5.0- 23.0mg/g,the recovery is in the range of 91% - 103% ,the relative standard deviation is less than 5% .
Chemical Research and Application
isatis-root granules
infrared spectrum
quantitative analysis