提出了利用多重标签方式来实现以太网透传的具体技术和方法,解决了以太网在MAN和WAN应用中存在的主要缺陷。其中,QinQ技术通过在标准IEEE 802.1Q VLAN标签的外层又添加一层IEEE 802.1Q VLAN标签的方式,克服了IEEE802.1Q存在的VLAN数量空间太小、无法提供优先级服务、无法实现用户数据的透明传输等问题,推动了城域以太网的应用。在运营级网络中,QinQ技术存在着运营商的PE需要维护庞大的MAC地址、无法区分用户BPDU和运营商的BPDU、仅提供了很有限的QoS功能等不足,MAC in MAC通过层次化的地址空间,在解决了QinQ技术存在的不足的同时,还扩展了网络服务功能和可管理性,为运营商实现精细化运作提供了服务保障。
This paper proposed the use of multiple -tag ways to achieve specific techniques and methods of Ethemet' s transparent transmission, resolved the main limitation of Ethemet applications in the MAN and WAN. Through increased another layer of IEEES02. 1Q VLAN tag out of the IEEE 802. 1Q VLAN tag's outer layer, QinQ technology overcame the limitations of IEEE 802. 1Q VLAN quantity space was too small, unable to provide the priority service, unable to realize user data transparent transmission and so on, promoted the application of the Metro Ethemet. In cartier network, QinQ technology' s limitations were that operator's PE need to maintain the huge MAC address, to be unable to differentiate user BPDU and operatorg BPDU, had only provided a very limited func- tion of QoS and so on. Through the hierarchical address space, MAC in MAC technology had solved the QinQ' s shortcomings, extended the network functionality and manageability, provided services for the operator' s precision operation.
Microcomputer Applications