

Researches on Fine Seismic Exploration Method in Huoyanshan Area
摘要 吐哈盆地火焰山地区,其逆掩断裂带应用原处理得到的T0剖面和速度谱资料做出的构造图误差大,与实际钻井结果相去甚远。在山前平缓区域,大部分地震资料也受到了火焰山影响,加上低降速带异常等问题,构造圈闭的位置难以确定。整个火焰山地区勘探精度较低。为了提高该区勘探精度,在该区开发应用了动态时移静校正技术、模型模拟速度分析与成图技术,使用新的处理解释一体化思路对该区域进行综合研究。消除了常规地震勘探方法中存在理论误差和方法误差,使处理和解释工作紧密结合。提高了地震资料处理精度,从而提高了该区勘探精度。 In Huoyanshan area in Tuha basin, there existed a huge error in structure - contour map drawn by using TO section and velocity spectrum data obtained by the original processing in overthrust fault; it extremely differs from the practical drilling results. It is hard to determine the position of structural trap because the most of seismic data are affected by Huoyanshan and there are abnormity in low subweathered zone in mountain front flat region. The exploration accuracy is low in the whole area of Huoyanshan. In order to improve it, dynamic time shift static correction technique, model simulation velocity analysis and map technique are developed and applied in the area, overall studies for the area carried out by a new thought of the integration of processing and interpretation. Theory ' s and method's errors existed in conventional seismic prospecting methods can be eliminated, processing and interpreta- tion can be combined closely. It improves seismic data processing precision so as to improve exploration accuracy of the area.
出处 《吐哈油气》 2009年第2期104-106,120,共4页 Tuha Oil & Gas
关键词 勘探精度 动态时移静校正 模型模拟速度分析与成图 处理解释一体化 exploration accuracy dynamic time shift static correction model simulation velocity analysis and mapping integration of processing and interpretation
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