Splintage external fixation in Chinese Mongolian osteopathy is a biological macroscopic model. In this model, the ideas of self-life "unity of mind and body" and vital natural "correspondence of nature and human" combine the physiological and psychological self-fixation with supplementary external fixation of fracture using small splints. This model implies macroscopic ideas of uncovering fixation and healing: structural stability integrating geometrical "dynamic" stability with mechanical "dynamic" equilibrium and the stability of state integrating statics with dynamics, and osteoblasts with osteoclasts, and psychological stability integrating closed and open systems of human and nature. These ideas indicate a trend of development in modern osteopathy.
This study was supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (No.30660239) in 2006 and the major research project for universities and colleges in Inner Mongolia (No.JN3176) in 2003.