
冲突、困境、反思:社区治理基本主体与公民社会构建 被引量:37

Confliction,Predicament and Introspection:The Basic Body of Community Administration and the Construction of Civil Society
摘要 目前,在社区治理基本主体结构中,不仅业主委员会与物业公司的关系是社会矛盾与冲突的聚焦所在,而且同属居民自治组织的业主委员会与居委会之间的磨擦和纠纷也风生云起。从业主委员会而论,存在着业主大会召开难,业主委员会筹建难、正常运作难、司法维权难等"五大难"问题。从物业公司而言,不仅有服务质量与态度皆差的问题,而且其问题之多,已被报刊等媒体称之为"泛滥成灾"、"触目惊心"、"混乱不堪"。调查显示上海有九成业主既不满业主委员会现状,更不满物业管理。从居委会来看,其组织的职业化、科层化、行政化趋向,不仅使自身应具有的自治功能难以展现,而且作为行政权力代理人的"错位"角色,也使社区治理与民主发展的组织载体陷入紧张与不协调的困境。而在现实体制下的一些政府部门,在反映城市基层社会权力深层秩序的博弈中,行政强权始终是公民社会构建严重滞后的症结与"瓶颈"。通过对近年来上海市社区治理基本结构中存在的矛盾、冲突与困境的经验研究和案例分析,我们可以看到,当前社区治理由于受到市场话语权和制度性因素的结构性约束,政府追求社会治理的理想目标与现实体制与制度的张力存在冲突,这使社区建设存在诸多不确定因素。因此,当下社区治理不仅存在驱动力不足的困境,而且更重要的是应变革路径,必须对社区治理的基层主体进行制度配套、体制改革、结构调整、机制创新、资源整合以及角色与功能重新定位,必须对制度、机制和观念层面有实质性突破与创新,否则社区治理实践的前景将充满变数。 At the present, in the basic body-construction of community administration, not only do social contradiction and confliction focus on the relation between owners committees and property companies, but also appear the friction and dispute between owners committees and neighborhood committees. While owners committees face such problems as assembly, preparation, operation and rights, property companies witness so many complaints about poor services and bad manners that they are often describes by the press as " the trouble-overrun area". The survey shows that the 90 per cent of the owners in Shanghai are discontented with both the current situation of owner committees and the administration of property companies. At the same time, neighborhood committees become more and more professional, institutional and administrative, which not only limit their autonomous function, but also, due to the " mismatch" of administrative deputy, change their nature as the organizational carriers of community administration and democratic development, turning it into the predicament of intension and dissonance. Under the current system of government, in the process of the " game playing" that represents the deep order of the urban low-level power, the administrative might is always the " bottle-neck" of the severe hysteresis of construction for civil society. By virtue of the above case-study of the contradiction, confliction and predicament in the basic structure of community administration in Shanghai in recent years, the author concludes that the community construction, due to the structure limitation by market power and institutional factors, as well as the confliction between the ideal target of social administration and the intension of the present system and framework, fills with erratic elements, not only in insufficiency of the driving force in community administration but also in absence of the way to transform. Therefore, it is necessary for the basic body of community administration to have a series of refor
作者 何平立
出处 《上海大学学报(社会科学版)》 CSSCI 北大核心 2009年第4期20-31,共12页 Journal of Shanghai University(Social Sciences Edition)
基金 教育部人文社会科学规划项目(08JA810015) 上海市哲学社会科学规划项目(2008BZZ001)
关键词 社区治理 公民社会 居民自治 社会基层矛盾 community administration civil society self-governance by residents contradict between grassroots
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