

Comparision and Contrast between the Basic Law of Hongkong and the Basic Law of Macao
摘要 基于香港、澳门两部基本法的制定具有共同的立法依据和历史背景,两部基本法存在一些相同点,因为两地实际情况存在差异,两部基本法又有许多不同点。为了更好地贯彻实施两部基本法,必须了解两部基本法之间的异同点。 Because the basic law of Hongkong and the basic law of Macao have the same legislation basis and historical background, they have some similarities. Also because the two places have different situations, the two laws have many differences. In order to better carry out and excute the two baic laws, it is necessary to get to know the similarities and differences between the two basic laws.
作者 李桂鑫
出处 《长春金融高等专科学校学报》 2009年第2期82-85,共4页 Journal of Changchun Finance College
关键词 一国两制 香港基本法 澳门基本法 一致性 差异性 One Nation, Two Systems the Basic Law of Hongkong the Basic Law of Macao similarities differences
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