
南海中、东部海区发光细菌的生态分布与种类组成 被引量:2

Ecological distribution & specious compositions of marin photobacteria in the central and eastern South China Sea
摘要 初步研究了南海中、东部海区海洋发光细菌的生态分布与种类组成。对28个测站的表层水样和部分测站的水柱垂直分层(50、100、150和200m)水样进行了发光细菌培养、计数、分离和菌种鉴定。结果表明,水体中发光细菌检出率达76.929/6,检出率自表层向底层逐渐升高;观测海区表层海水中发光细菌的平均菌量为(8.60±15.57)CFU/dm^3,深层海水的菌量较高,至150m水层平均菌量达最高值,为(49.47±75.40)CFU/dm^3,细菌丰度变幅为3~307CFU/dm^3,平均菌量的最高值和较大的变幅范围都出现在150m水层;在200rn以浅水体中,发光细菌垂直分布趋势基本与深度的增加以及水温的降低相关联,高值大多出现在100~150m水层;观测海区发光细菌主要由哈维氏发光细菌Lucibacterium harveyi、曼达帕姆发光细菌Photobacterium madapamensis、明亮发光细菌Photobacterium phosphoreum和费氏发光细菌Vibrio fischeri组成,分别占鉴定种群的42%、33%、19%和6% This paper has a pilot study on the ecological distribution and specious compositions of marine photobacteria in the central and eastern South China Sea. Marine photobacteria were incubated, counted, separated and identified from 104 water samples of different water layers (2 m, 50 m, 100 m, 150 m and 200 m) of 28 observation stations. The results show that in the total of 104 seawater samples, 80 of them contain photobacteria with an average detection rate of 76.92%, which shows that photobacteria commonly exist in the seawater. The detection rate increases downwards, and the highest detection rate is found at 200 m, which is 94.44%. In the surface layer, the average abundance of photobacteria is 8.60±15.57 CFU/dm3. It also increases downwards and reaches the maximum of 49.47~75.40 CFU/dm3 at 150 m, and the abundance of photobacteria fluctuates from 3 to 307 CFU/dm3 , which is relatively high. Analyses of the vertical integral mean value show that the number of photobacteria in northern sea area is larger than that in southern sea area. The vertical mean value fluctuates from 2. 5 to 123. 50 CFU/dm3 at the different observation stations while the average abundance is 28.52±36.79 CFU/dm3. The isopleths of 10 CFU/dm3 in the southern sea area is almost parallel to the longitude. The low number of the photobacteria is mainly due to the low detection rate of photobacteria and the less bacterial colonies detected in the water samples. Generally speaking, in 0-200 m deep waters layers, the vertical distribution of marine photobacteria is related to the depth and the temperature of the seawater. The most of the high abundances are found samples of in 100-150 m deep seawater. The highest abundance of 307 CFU/dm3 is found at Station F15 (146 m deep) in the shallow-water area near the Pratas Islands. There is a significant difference of the vertical distribution of the photobacteria between the southern and northern studied areas with 19°30′N as the boundary, the number of photobacteria is higher in th
出处 《海洋学研究》 2009年第2期71-78,共8页 Journal of Marine Sciences
关键词 发光细菌 生态分布 种类组成 南海 marine photobacteria ecological distribution specious compositions South China Sea
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