目的:收集并分析SCI收录的关于Bryan颈椎间盘置换术与颈前路减压椎间融合术(anterior cervical discectomy and fusion,ACDF)术后疗效比较的文献,对Bryan颈椎间盘置换术和ACDF术后疗效进行系统评价。方法:检索Pubmed、Medline、Embase、Ovid、Cochrane Library等数据库。入选文献均为临床研究;各研究的干预组(治疗组)术式为Bryan颈椎间盘置换术,对照组术式为ACDF;治疗组和对照组例数均不小于10;术后疗效评价包括颈部功能残障指数(neck disability index,NDI),相应节段运动范围(range of motion,ROM)等常见指标。结果:共4篇文献符合纳入标准。纳入人数共588人,干预组303例,对照组285例;术后2年内NDI合并权重均差(weighted mean difference,WMD)为-0.39(95%CI,-1.56~0.78),P>0.05。术后2年内相应颈椎节段运动范围(ROM)合并WMD值为8.95(95%CI,7.01~10.89),P<0.05。结论:Bryan间盘置换术在术后2年内保留颈椎节段活动方面优于ACDF,尚没有足够证据表明Bryan间盘置换术术后2年内NDI优于ACDF。
Objective:To make a system assessment of the postoperative effects of patients who receive Bryan cervical disc replacement compared with those who receive anterior cervical diseeetomy and fusion (ACDF). Method:We do our search in PubMed,Medline,Embase,Ovid,Coehrane Library.The criterias of articles we need for system assessment should include: (1)clinical trials, (2)the treatment group receives surgery of Bryan cervical disc replacement with Bryan disc,while the control group receives surgery of ACDF, (3)the number of patients both in treatment group and control group must be more than 10, (4) the evaluation of postoperative effects must include neck disability index(NDI) and the range of motion(ROM) of targeted levels.Result: There are 4 articles which include 588 patients(303 patients for Bryan cervical disc replacement,285 patients for ACDF) in our system assessment.The combined Weighted Mean Difference(WMD) of NDI was -0.39(95% CI,-1.56-0.78) less than 2 years after operation,P〉0.05.The combined WMD of ROM was 8.95(95%CI,7.01- 10.89) less than 2 years after operation,P〈0.05.Conclusion:Our results indicate that Bryan cervical disc replacement is superior than ACDF in maintaining the ROM less than 2 years after operation.No evidence supports that Bryan cervical disc replacement is better than ACDF less than 2 years after operation.
Chinese Journal of Spine and Spinal Cord