研究了光照对马岗鹅卵泡发育及相关激素基因表达的影响,试验期对照组接受短光照(11 h光∶13 h暗),处理组在接受7 d短光照后接受长光照(16 h光∶8 h暗).结果表明在整个试验期,对照组产蛋率维持10%以上,处理组则在接受长光照约15 d后产蛋率快速下降并于试验第55 d停产.在处理组接受长光照17 d(试验第25 d)后,与对照组相比,其下丘脑血管活性肠肽(VIP)和垂体催乳素(PRL)的基因表达稍提高(P>0.05),血浆PRL水平明显高于对照组(P<0.05),而促黄体素(LH)水平和卵巢大黄卵泡(LYF)数、小黄卵泡(SYF)数则无差异,仅大白卵泡(LWF)数显著低于后者(P<0.01);在处理组接受长光照45 d后(试验第53 d),其下丘脑VIP和垂体PRL的基因表达显著提高(P<0.01),且血浆PRL质量浓度显著高于对照组(P<0.01),LH水平则明显低于对照组(P<0.05),卵巢上无任何卵泡,对照组的LYF、SYF和LWF数与试验第25 d时相似.整个试验期,长光照对下丘脑促性腺激素释放激素(GnRH)和垂体LHβ的基因表达均无明显影响.表明长光照能促进下丘脑VIP和垂体PRL的基因表达,提高血浆PRL水平和抑制卵泡发育.
To study the effects of photoperiod on developments of ovarian follicles and expression levels of related hormones in Magang geese, adult breeding geese were divided into two groups (control and treated) and subjected to different lighting schemes. Birds in control group were exposed to short photoperiod (11 h light: 13 h dark), and the treated group was subjected to long photoperiod (16 h light: 8 h dark) after 7-day treatment of short photoperiod. The laying rate remained above 10% in control geese throughout the experiment, and egg laying of treated geese quickly decreased after 15-day treatment of long photoperiod and ceased on day 55. On day 25, 17 days after treated geese were transferred from short to long photoperiod, plasma prolactin (PRL) concentration in treated geese was significantly (P 〈 0.05 ) higher than that in control geese, but there were no marked difference in luteinizing hormone (LH) levels between the two groups. On day 53,45 days after onset of long photoperiod treatment in treated group, long photoperiod in treated geese significantly accelerated PRL secretion ( P 〈 0. 01 ) and decreased plasma LH level than in control geese ( P 〈 0. 05 ). On day 25, there was no marked difference in the number of large yellow follicle (LYF) and small yellow follicle (SYF) between the two groups. However, treated geese possessed significantly ( P 〈 0. 01 ) more large white follicle (LWF) than did control group. On day 53, the numbers of LYF, SYF and LWF were similar to the numbers on day 25, respectively, in control geese under short photoperiod. But there were no LYF, SYF and LWF observed on the ovary of the treated geese. 17-day treatment of long photoperiod in treated group only increased (P 〉 O. 05 ), but 45-day treatment significantly (P 〈 O. 01 ) increased, mRNA levels of VIP in the hypothalamus and PRL in the pituitary gland, than in control geese. However, no photoperiodic effect was observed on the expression levels of gonado
Journal of South China Agricultural University
Magang geese
follicular development
mRNA level of hormones