利用根瘤农杆菌(Agrobacterium tumefaciens)介导法将抗草甘膦基因(sxglr-11)导入优良玉米再生系HiII,共转化幼胚1 673个,分化出再生苗67株,其中,28株移栽成活,经PCR检测13株为阳性植株,阳性率为46.4%。采用草甘膦浓度梯度筛选,确定了未转基因的对照植株的致死浓度范围为1%~2%。利用2%的草甘膦对T0转基因植株6~8叶龄苗的叶片进行涂抹,结果表明,阳性植株均具有草甘膦抗性。T1植株经2%草甘膦抗性筛选,转基因植株表现出3∶1的孟德尔分离方式。
Glyphosate resistant gene(sxglr-11) were transferred into 1 673 immature embryos of maize hybrid(HiII)by Agrobacterium tumefaciens transformation approach.67 plantlets were regenerated.From the survived 28 transplanted plants,13 positive transgenic individuals were identified by PCR assay with a positive frequency of 46.4%.The effect glyphosate concentration of non-transgenic maize ranged from 1% to 2%.Leaves of T0 transgenic maize at 6~8 leaf-stage were painted with 2% glyphosate and the results showed that the transgenic maize plants have been obtained tolerance to the herbicide glyphosate.The segregating mode of T1 transgenic plants fit the mendel’s law(the ratio of 3∶1)by experiment of the 2% glyphosate resistantance.
Journal of Shanxi Agricultural Sciences