
压电空心圆柱中的波特性 被引量:2

摘要 基于三维线性压电弹性理论,采用Legendre多项式方法研究了电开路时压电空心圆柱中轴向波的传播特性.给出了结构的频散曲线及其相应的非压电情况,展示了压电的影响.比较了压电对轴对称模态和弯曲模态影响的区别.从电势分布的角度分析了压电对弯曲扭转波的影响.最后讨论了径厚比和极化方向对波传播压电效应的影响. Based on the linear three-dimensional piezoelasticity, the Legendre orthogonal polynomial series expansion approach is used for determining the wave characteristics in piezoelectric hollow cylinders with open circuit. Dispersion curves for the piezoelectric and the corresponding non-piezoelectric hollow cylinders are calculated to show the piezoelectric effect. The differences of the piezoelectric effect on the axially-symmetric modes and flexural modes are shown. Electric potential distributions are used to show the piezoelectric effect on flexural torsional modes. Finally, the influences of the ratio of radius to thickness and the polarizing direction on the piezoelectric effect are illustrated.
作者 禹建功 吴斌
出处 《固体力学学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2009年第3期259-266,共8页 Chinese Journal of Solid Mechanics
基金 国家自然科学基金项目(10802027)资助
关键词 压电空心圆柱体 频散曲线 弯曲波 极化方向 勒让德多项式 piezoelectric hollow cylinders, dispersion curves, flexural wave, polarizing direction, Legendre polynomial
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