大面积地形渲染是创建高沉浸感室外场景的重要组成部分,其渲染效果直接影响到室外场景的真实度。大面积地形渲染具有两个关键技术,一是地形结构的生成,二是大面积影像图的渲染。本文采用Geometry clipmap结构构建地形的基本结构,地形结构跟随视点进行漫游,通过采样当前地形结构下各个顶点的高程值进行地形的渲染;同时通过C lipmap方法实现地形的纹理渲染。仿真实验表明文中方法具有较好的渲染效果和较高的实时性,可以满足视景仿真系统的需求。
Large scale terrain real-time rendering is a significant part of the high-immersion virtual outdoors landscape and closely related to the fidelity of virtual environment. There are two keys for the ren- dering of a massive terrain. The first one is the generation of the huge terrain structure, and the second one is the rendering of the large-scaled satellite image. This paper adopts the geometry clipmap structure to construct the terrain structure, and uses the clipmap structure to update and filtering the texture mapped during the texture rendering. The results of experiments indicate that this method has excellent rendering effect and high efficiency, sufficient to satisfy the requirement of simulation visual display system.
Chinese Journal of Stereology and Image Analysis