
托马斯·哈代的“威塞克斯”图景:人与自然的和谐整体 被引量:6

Thomas Hardy's Wessex Landscape: Harmonious Whole of Man and Nature
摘要 20世纪末,生态批评成为一种最为具有冲击力的政治、哲学话语,在当前诸多批评理论中占据着前沿地位。在生态批评的权力话语的影响下,生态意识对人文的影响越来越有力。托马斯.哈代从生态主义角度出发,描绘了一幅幅绚烂的油画,为我们提供了一个全新的观察万物和人性的角度。准确地说来,自然已经渗透到了人类文化之中,并成为人类的精神、风貌、氛围和民风的一个部分。在哈代的"威塞克斯"和谐统一体中,自然是不能与人类社会分开的。 In the late 20th century, environmental consciousness has begun to exert a powerful influence on humanities under the influence of the ecologists' discourse, a most assertive political discourse occupying the forefront of contemporary theory. The present essay will re-examine Thomas Hardy' s brilliant picturesque novels from an eco-critical perspective, which provides us with a completely new perspective of observing the universe and the nature of human beings. To be exact, nature has penetrated into human culture, and even become an internal part of the human spirit, atmosphere and sense of nationhood. Nature cannot be separated from the wholeness of human life, or vice versa, in Hardy' s Wessex landscape.
作者 汪沛
出处 《外语教学》 CSSCI 北大核心 2009年第4期84-87,共4页 Foreign Language Education
关键词 生态批评 托马斯·哈代 “威塞克斯”图景 人与自然的和谐整体 eco-eriticism Thomas Hardy Wessex landscape wholeness of man and nature
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