
新国际单位制——建立基本单位的里程碑 被引量:1

The new SI—a milestone for the foundation of base units
摘要 国际单位制是在米制基础上发展起来的,其基本单位是以国际单位原器为基准定义的.由于国际单位原器相对不稳定性,国际基本单位及其导出单位也存在一定的不确定度.因此,对国际基本单位进行了重新定义并给出了新定义的实现方法,建议在此基础上建立新国际单位制.新定义更多地采用了相对精确的基本常数,提高其相对标准精度. The SI was developed on the base of the metric system. The base units of the SI were defined in term of the international prototypes. The unstability of the international prototypes leads to the uncertainty of the base units. The redefinition to the base units and the experiments to realize them were presented by the author. The author suggested to establish the new SI based on the new definitions. Adopted more constant values with reliable value, the new SI has less relative standard uncertainty.
出处 《中国计量学院学报》 2009年第2期97-101,106,共6页 Journal of China Jiliang University
关键词 国际单位制 基本单位 国际原器 不确定度 le Systeme international d unites (SI) base unit international prototype standard uncertainty redefinition
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