应用RT-PCR技术,对广西南宁、玉林、来宾、贵港、柳州、钦州、防城港、崇左、贺州、桂林、广东、海南部分地区等十几个地区发生疑似PRRSV感染的28个猪场送检的264份病死猪的肺脏、脾脏、淋巴结等病料进行猪繁殖与呼吸综合征病毒(PRRSV)的检测 共检测出94份阳性病料,阳性率为35.6% 同时利用PRRSV间接ELISA检测试剂盒检测了2005~2007年期间48个猪场875份血清样品,检测结果显示:有39个猪场感染了PRRSV,感染率为81.3%,有338份血清存在PRRSV阳性抗体,阳性率为38.6%。对阳性病料处理后接种Marc-145细胞,出现明显细胞病变(CPE),继续扩大培养,收获并分离病毒,-70℃保存备用。流行病学调查结果表明,广西及周边地区普遍存在PRRSV的感染,且感染率较高,猪繁殖与呼吸综合征已经成为危害本地区养猪业的重要疫病。
Using the RT-PCR technology, to detect the Guangxi Nanning, Yulin, Laibin, Guigang, Liuzhou, Qinzhou, Fangehenggang, Chongzuo, Hezhou, Guilin, Guangdong, Hainan and other parts of a dozen suspected PRRSV infection oc- curred in the 28 pig farms delivery 264 sick or dead pigs were seized in the lungs, spleen, lymph nodes and other organs for porcine reproductive and respiratory syndrome virus (PRRSV) detection; a total of 94 samples were positive, the positive rate was 35.6% ; at the same time use of PRRSV indirect ELISA kit to detect the period from 2005 to 2007 in 48 pig farms 875 ser- um samples, the test results showed that 39 farms infected with PRRSV rate was 81.3%, 338 in the presence of serum positive PRRSV antibody positive rate of 38.6%. On the expected positive disease after vaccination Marc-145 cells, clear cytopathic effect (CPE), to continue to expand cultivation, harvesting and virus isolation, --70 ~ preservation reserve. Epidemiological survey results show that the prevalence of Guangxi and the surrounding areas PRRSV infection, and the high rate of infection has become the hog industry in the region against the major diseases.
China Animal Husbandry & Veterinary Medicine