采用电路设计仿真工具对电路的设计理念和输出进行仿真验证是提高设计质量、降低研制成本、缩短研制周期的有效手段。但如果模型运用不当或参数设置不合适,也会对仿真结果造成较大的失真,影响产品的设计质量。本文以目前较为流行的Protel 99SE电子线路辅助设计仿真工具软件为例,通过几个案例深入分析Protel99SE电路仿真的应用技术。
Applying the simulation of electric circuit to test simulation of the circuit design concept and its output is an effective method to improve design quality and reduce the cost and time of research task. But improper model operation and unmatched parameter will cause the distortion of simulation result and affect the design quality of the products. This essay takes Protel 99SE electronic circuit simulation, as an example to analyze the applying technique of Protel 99SE circuit simulation through several cases.
Ship Science and Technology