To take the K55+560-K120+000 section of the Dandong-Tonghua expressway as an example, analyzed site investigation and existing geological data, an assessment index system applicable to study area geo-hazard has been established. By the use of AHP to determine weight of evaluation factor in the system, carry out study area geo-hazard division quantitative assessment through two stage fuzzy synthetic assessment. Based on the maximum membership principle acquired hazard results of every assessed unit, then divided the study area into three geo-hazard categories: high risk areas are basically within K55+560-K56+000,K58+500-K60+ 000,K65+000-K66+300 and K69+000-K70+300 sections; most parts of study area belong to medium risk areas, effective control measures can avoid geo-hazards; less risk areas are generally located in mild intermontane and piedmont plains. The assessment results can be the basis of the expressway construction and geo-hazard control along the line.
Coal Geology of China