
带状线性方程组的并行交替方向算法 被引量:2

Parallel alternating-direction iterative algorithm for solving banded linear equations
摘要 提出了分布式存储环境下求解带状线性方程组的并行交替方向迭代算法。充分利用系数矩阵的结构特点,给出了在系数矩阵分别为Hermite正定矩阵和M-矩阵时算法的充分条件,并针对采用的分裂方式,讨论了参数的收敛范围,最后在HPrx2600集群系统上进行了数值计算,结果表明实算与理论相一致,算法简便可行且具有良好的并行性。 This paper presents an alternating-direction iterative algorithm for solving banded linear equations on distributed-memory multi-computers.Authors make full use of the special structure characteristics of the coefficient matrix,give sufficient conditions of Hermite positive definite matrix and M-matrix,and discuss interval of convergence of the parameters for splitting mode.Finally,some examples results on HP rx2600 cluster show that it is consistent with convergence theory.The numerical experiments indicate that the algorithm is feasible and effective and has good parallelism.
出处 《计算机工程与应用》 CSCD 北大核心 2009年第20期54-56,共3页 Computer Engineering and Applications
基金 宁夏自然科学基金No.A001 咸阳师范学院科研基金资助项目No.06XSYK248 No.06XSYK274~~
关键词 交替方向法 HP rx2600集群 并行性 alternating-direction iterative algorithm HP rx2600 cluster parallelism
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