采用Ciba Lanasol系列染料和Ciba Maxilon系列染料对毛/腈散纤维进行一浴法染色。通过实验优化微悬浮体染色工艺并确定出最佳工艺处方。比较了微悬浮体染色和传统染色工艺下Lanasol染料对羊毛纤维的染色性能及Maxilon染料对腈纶纤维的染色性能。结果表明:通过微悬浮体法染色能显著缩短Lanasol系列和Maxilon系列染料染色时间,减少阳离子染料对羊毛的沾色,消除由于染料电性不同导致的染料沉淀,提高染料利用率,减少纤维在染色过程中所受的损伤,减轻污水处理负担,降低生产成本,同时此新型染色工艺能赋予染品鲜艳的色泽,提升了染品的质量品质。
The project uses the series of Ciba Lanasol dyes and the series of Ciba Maxilon dyes to dye the wool/acrylic textile fiber, which carried on the one-bath dyeing. Dyeing proeess with Ciba Lanasol reaetive dyestuffs and Ciba Maxilon cationic dyestuffs of the wool/acrylic mixture fabric is carried out in a mierosuspension system. Through the optimized experiment, the project determined the optimum of the MSD. Compared with the MSD and traditional dyeing craft, estimate the Lanasol dye the dyeing property of wool textile fiber and the Maxilon dye the dyeing property of acrylic textile fiber. Through the optimized experiment, the project determined the optimum of the MSD. Compared with the MSD and traditional dyeing craft, estimate the Lanasol dye the dyeing property of wool textile fiber and the Maxilon dye the dyeing property of acrylic textile fiber, reduce cationic dyestuffs staining color to the wool, avoid the deposition eaused by congregation of dyes. The dyeing process is not only have good results, such as brighter eolor brighter shade, better fastness, and more water-saving and energy-saving, time-saving, but also have promoted the quality of dyestuffs.
Wool Textile Journal