目的探索提高微血管减压术治疗三叉神经痛的手术疗效。方法采用显微血管减压术(microvascular decompression,MVD)治疗三叉神经痛患者1150例,其中采取垫隔式MVD258例,围套式MVD共892例。比较两种方法术后的并发症、治愈率和复发率。结果比较两种MVD方法,发现三叉神经痛治愈率、责任血管与三叉神经的关系类型没有差异,围套式MVD术后口唇疱疹、三叉神经损伤的发生率明显高于垫隔式;垫隔式MVD的复发率明显高于围套式,而复发时间明显短于围套式减压方法。结论围套式MVD强调把整个"敏感区"包绕并对减压材料进行固定,更有利于提高治愈率、降低复发率。显微操作精细、技术熟练是MVD术中减少并发症的重要因素。
Objective To probe approach to improve the efficacy of microvacular decompression(MVD) for treating trigeminal neuralgia(TN). Methods MVD were used in treating 1150 TN patients, 258 patients with method of pillowing the offending vessel(pillowing MVD), and 892 patients with method of enwrapping the trigeminal nerve(enwrapping MVD) separately. The cure rate, complications and the recurrence rate of these two methods were compared postoperatively. Results There were no difference in cure rate, distributing of relationship type between the offending vascular and the trigeminal nerve. The occurrence rate of lebialis herpes and trigeminal nerve injury was higher in enwrapping MVD. The recurrent rate of TN was higher in pillowing MVD, and that of recurrent time was significant shorter than enwrapping MVD. Conclusion Enwrapping MVD is benefit to improve the cure rate, and to decrease the recurrent rate for TN. Enwrapping MVD (described in detail in the original paper) emphasize to enwrap the root entry or exit zone of trigeminal nerve, and to fix the terylene and shredded teflon. Careful in handling the operation, skilled mierotechnique are most important to decrease the complications in MVD.
Chinese Journal of Stereotactic and Functional Neurosurgery
Trigeminal neuralgia
Mierovascular decompression
Verginary vessel
Method of pillowing the vessel
Method of enwrapping the nerve