

Factors Influencing the Comprehension of Scientific Fxpository Prose for Higher Uocational College Students
摘要 采用即时测量(口语报告)和延时测量(回忆)的研究方法,考察错误概念对高职生科技说明文阅读理解的影响,发现错误概念对其阅读的加工处理类型影响较小而对加工处理内容影响较大。在有效知识本位解释策略使用的次数上,有错误概念组显著少于无错误概念组;在无效知识本位解释策略使用的次数上,有错误概念组显著多于无错误概念组。 This paper investigates the vocational college students′ misconceptions′ influence on the comprehension of scientific expOsitory prose by methods of instant measurement(oral report) and delay measurement(recall). It finds that vocational college students′ misconceptions usually have less affect on their types of process than on the content of the process. Groups with misconceptions generate significantly fewer valid knowledge - based explanations than groups with no misconceptions, and groups with misconceptions generate significantly more void knowledge - based explanations than groups with no misconceptions.
出处 《天津职业院校联合学报》 2009年第3期106-109,共4页 Journal of Tianjin Vocational Institutes
关键词 阅读理解 错误概念 口语报告法 高职生 科技说明文 discourse comprehenSion misconception oral report methods vocational collegestudents scientific expository prose
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