中国电缆工业的废杂铜直接再生利用和以铝节铜决非短期行为,必须从长计议,其目标应是达到稳定、优质的规范化生产和具有良好技术经济效果的合理应用。废杂铜杆纳入GB 3952—2008标准使生产有标准可循,有利于规范市场,实行优质优价,使有限的铜资源真正物尽其用。火法精炼高导电铜(FRHC)直接再生制造技术的引进,将有助于促进我国废杂铜直接再生利用技术水平的提高。电缆行业应研究开发建立铜杆质量和电解铜升水评价的体系和方法。
Direct reuse of scrap copper and saving copper by aluminium in the wire and cable industry is not an expe- dient measure but a long term planning with the object of steady and standardized production of high quality products and rational use of scrap copper with good techno-economic results. The inclusion of scrap copper in the standard GB 3952-2008 will result in standardized production, which is beneficial to standardizing the market order, achieving high quality with cheap price and making the best use of limited copper resources. The introduction of the manufactur- ing technique of fire-refining of high conductivity copper (FRHC) will promote to raise the technological level of di- rect reuse of scrap copper in China. The wire and cable industry is suggested to investigate the possibility of establis- hing a system to assess the quality of copper rod and electrolytic copper.
Wire & Cable
making copper rod by scrap copper
problem analysis