This was a research program supported by Rolls - Royce plc, U. K.A detailed experimental investigation of static pressure distributions of the channel with five row cy1indrical staggered short pin fin array (Fig. 2) has been carried out in a suction tyPe wind tunnel. It was found that the static pressure of the now was high on the endwall of the channel and it decreased to the minimum at the haif heights of pin fins. The static pressure variations of pin fin surfaces in direction normal to endwail occurred mainly at the angular location of 30° to 120° from the leading edges of cylindrical pin fins in third and fifth rows (Fig. 6). The patterns of the static pressure distribution, including high pressure zones in front of the pin fins, low pressure zones in the wakes and minimum pressure zones on pin fin surfaces, measured at different heights above endwall, were similar.We observed that the pressure distributions on pin fin surfaces were quite different for different rows. No significant pressure recovery was measured on the first and second rows.However, obvious recovery of pressure was found on the other three rows.
Journal of Northwestern Polytechnical University