基于AutoCAD ObjectARX开发工具和VC++编程平台,开发出一种方便实用的装配图标题栏和明细栏自动生成系统.该系统具有所见即所得、表格式的界面,操作简便,解决了AutoCAD中表格和文本处理繁琐的问题,极大地提高了绘制装配图的效率.
Based on the ObjectARX of AutoCAD and the VC++, an automatic generating system for title bar and part list of assembly drawing in AutoCAD is developed. The system has the interface of "what you are is what you get" and table-format; and its operation is simple and convenient. It solves the complex form and text-processing problems in AutoCAD; and it greatly enhances the efficiency of the assembly drawing.
Journal of China Three Gorges University:Natural Sciences