介绍了一种可视化电力系统潮流计算软件.该软件采用面对对象的程序结构,其功能包括电力元件库的制作和动态加载、电力网络接线图绘制、设备参数输入、动态拓扑搜索、潮流计算结果显示.其中电力元件库采用Visual Graph开发,软件框架采用Delphi2007语言编制,在WIN XP平台上运行.将软件计算结果和PSASP结果进行比较,验证了该软件具有精确的计算结果.
A visual software for power flow calculation using the technology of object oriented programming, is described. The functions of the software include developing electric component library, dynamic loading, drawing power network diagrams, inputting parameters of the devices, topology analysis and showing the results. The electric component library is developed by Visual Graph and the software platform by Delphi2007 under the operating system of Window XP. The calculation results show good agreements with those by PSASP.
Journal of China Three Gorges University:Natural Sciences