The temporal characteristics of cadastral information is more notable than other space information. The life - force and use value of Cadastre is the present situation and the history continuity with current situation. The organization core of temporal GIS is the temporal -spatial database ,which organizes the data of geographical features under the spatial and temporal reference. Therefore, it is very necessary to build the reasonable temporal -spatial database, and apply it into the cadastral information system to provide timing analysis function and solve the various problems related to time. Based on the dynamic multi - level improved model of base state with amendments,it can realize the low redundancy and high efficiency storage, management, and historical review of temporal - spatial data. This paper put forward the new idea on constructing eadastral database combined with TGIS and dynamic multi - level improved model of base state with amendments.
Geomatics & Spatial Information Technology
cadastral database
Temporal GIS
dynamic multi - level improved model of base state with amendments