CBTC(Communication Based Train Control)系统可有效提高轨道交通的列车运营效率,降低系统建设和维护费用。在系统研发过程中需对系统进行建模、仿真和验证,发现系统设计缺陷,以保证系统的安全性。CBTC区域控制子系统是一实时控制系统,它要求控制时间的精确性和控制过程的准确性。本文通过分析城市轨道交通CBTC区域控制子系统的结构,给出满足该子系统安全性的功能和性能要求,并结合时间自动机理论方法提出包含列车、速度距离控制器、区域控制器和多车控制队列的时间自动机网络模型。同时,应用UPPAAL验证工具对CBTC区域控制子系统进行仿真建模,并验证该子系统功能和性能要求,从而保证了系统模型的安全性和受限活性。
The Communication Based Train Control (CBTC) System enhances the train operation efficiency and reduces the system construction and maintenance cost, which is the most advanced train control system in the world nowadays. How to model and simulate the system to find the design defects in the research and development has become one of the key issues of CBTC research. The CBTC Zone Control Subsystem is a real-time control system, it requests the accuracy of control time and the correctness of the control process. This paper analyzes the structure of the CBTC Zone Control Subsystem and gives the function and performance requirements for safety. Combined with the theoretical method of timed automata, it presents the TTZQ automata network model that includes the train automata, speed and distance automata, zone controller automata and queue automata. It applies the various tools of UPPAAL to model the Zone Control Subsystem of CBTC and verifies the function and performance requirements, which guarantees the safety and bounded liveness properties of the model.
Journal of the China Railway Society