目的:探讨CT对膀胱癌局部分期的准确性以及影响因素。方法:回顾性分析44例肿瘤直径大于1 cm且CT上无明显其他盆腔脏器侵犯的膀胱癌患者临床资料,对比CT的局部分期与手术后病理分期。结果:CT对膀胱癌局部分期总的准确率为43.2%,有52.3%患者存在过高分期。直径1~2 cm或大于4 cm肿瘤CT分期较直径2~4 cm肿瘤更为准确;原位复发的肿瘤分期准确性低于初发或异位复发的肿瘤;移行细胞癌的分期准确性高于非移行细胞癌;有蒂的肿瘤分期准确性高于广基肿瘤。结论:CT对膀胱癌局部分期的作用有限,受到肿瘤大小、基底情况、复发位置以及肿瘤病理类型的影响。
Objective: To discuss the accuracy and influential factors of computed tomography(CT) in local staging of bladder cancer. Methods: 44 cases of bladder cancer were retrospectively analyzed which are more than 1 cm in diameter and without definitive invasion of pelvic organs other than bladder. Local staging by CT was com pared with histological results. Results: The overall accuracy of CT was 43.2% and 52.3% cases were over staged. The accuracy is higher in tumors with 1 2 cm in diameter or larger than 4cm in comparison to tumors with 2-4 cm in diameter. The accuracy of recurrence tumor in situ is lower than that of primary or ectopic recurrence tumor. The accuracy is higher in transitional cell carcinoma than other histological type; The accuracy of pedicled tumor is higher than that of broad based tumor. Conclusions:Local staging by CT in bladder cancer has limited accuracy and is affected by the diameter of tumor, substrate, histological type, and the location of the recurrence.
Journal of Clinical Urology