
英语音节成分构成原则的分析和比较 被引量:1

The Forming Principles of English Syllabic Elements
摘要 比较英语音节首音和尾音构成的分析模式。SSP简明实用,符合英语的语音配列倾向,其限制性比GP的多元素性程度条件、CVCV模式和"合音"分析模式强。GP准许原则的框架下,英语的音节结构为CCVX,sC和sCC中s与后面辅音不属于同一音节的分析解决了英语语音配列允许的sC、sCC组合和词尾辅音丛违背SSP的问题。语言倾向采用两辅音之间响度距离更大的首音丛、OCP、MSD等原则和发音、构词方面的因素能解释符合SSP的辅音丛为何未成为英语的语音配列允许的组合。 This paper analyzes and compares SSP, licensing principle in GP, GP's complexity condition, IG in CVCV framework and the model of "complex sound" to see their explanation of the structure of English syllable onset clusters and coda clusters and shows that SSP conforms to English phonotactic preferences. SSP plays a good role in determining the well -formed two-member onset clusters and is more restrictive and simpler than them. CCVX model' s proposal of coda taking one position and the proposal that/s/and the following consonant are heterosypllablic in sC and sCC solve the problem of their violation of SSP. The tendency of languages to have clusters which have greater sonority distance, OCP, MSD, preference of easy articulation, and other preferences explain why those clusters that follow SSP are not allowed in English phonotactics.
作者 黄小萍
出处 《华侨大学学报(哲学社会科学版)》 2009年第2期118-125,共8页 Journal of Huaqiao University(Philosophy & Social Sciences)
基金 国务院侨办基金课题(06QSK09)
关键词 音节 首音 响度顺序原则 准许原则 syllable onset clusters sonority sequencing principle licensing principles
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