Objective To study the relationship of orthostatic hypotension (OH) with sex. age, duration, dosage of levodopa, time of treatment and Hoehn-Yahr Scale in Parkinson disease (PD). Methods The blood pressure (BP) and heart rate (HR) of 166 patients with PD were measured at 1 and 5 rain after standing up. According to the descendent degree of BP, the patients were divided into 4 groups. The sex. age, duration, dosage of levodopa and time of treatment were recorded. Unified Parkinson Disease Rating Scale Ⅲ (UPDRS Ⅲ) was used for motor function assessment, and Hoehn-Yahr Scale was applied to evaluate severity of disease. Results In 166 PD patients, orthostatic BP of 76 cases (45.78%) did not change significantly, while the BP of 90 cases (54.21%) decreased at 1 min after standing up and returned to normal range at 5 min in 30 cases (18.07%), but 60 cases (36.14%) did not. Among them, 28 cases (16.87%) were diagnosed as OH. The age (F= 3.448, P= 0.018), duration (H = 19.834, P = 0.000), dosage of levodopa (H = 16.890. P= 0.000), time of treatment (H = 19.543, P= 0.000), UPDRS Ⅲ score (F= 33.542, P= 0.000) and Hoehn-Yahr Scale (H = 48.215, P= 0.000) were different significantly among 4 groups. After adjusted the duration factor, the descendent degree of OH and age (r=0.212, P=0.015), UPDRSⅢ score (r=0.616, P=0.000) and Hoehn-Yahr Scale (r= 0.487, P= 0.000) were all correlated positively. When Hoehn-Yahr Scale was adjusted, the descendent degree of OH was correlated positively with duration (r = 0.174, P = 0.025). Conclusion The occurrence of OH is predominantly related with the severity of PD. It is also related with age and duration. There is no correlation of the abnormal BP response with dosage of levodopa and time of treatment.
Chinese Journal of Contemporary Neurology and Neurosurgery
Parkinson disease
Hypotension, orthostatic
Factor analysis, statistical