本文利用空间panel data模型和空间矩阵的非嵌套检验方法,对于我国长三角、珠三角以及环渤海三大区域内部各个城市之间,在1990—2006年间的"经济增长收敛性"、"区域产业发展战略选择对于经济增长的影响"以及"经济增长过程中的空间效应"三个问题进行了实证分析。文章从研究方法上弥补了已有的文献中"缺乏对于空间panel data模型的应用"以及"缺乏对于空间结构以及空间模型的设定与甄别"的不足。研究发现,长三角和环渤海区域在1990—1998年间存在显著的条件β收敛情况,"产业发展战略向着符合要素禀赋结构的方向进行调整",是实现区域内部经济增长收敛的重要原因。同时,本文指出,三大区域各城市的经济增长过程中存在显著的空间效应,区域内部条件相似的城市之间其经济增长过程具有明显的相互促进作用。
In this paper,we use spatial panel data model and the normested tests of spatial structure to analyze the cities located in "Chang san jiao","Zhu san jiao" and "Huan bo hai" districts in China. Three topics,"the convergence of the economic growth","the influences of regional industrial development strategies to the economic development" , and "spatial effects in regional growth" are studied in the empirical analysis. This paper meets the lack of applications of spatial panel data models in the empirical studies and the lack of specification of spatial models or nonnested tests for the spatial structures. We show there were β -convergences in "Chang san jiao" and "Huan bo hai" districts during 1990--1998 and the adjustments of the regional industrial development strategies adapting to the regional endowments play important parts in the economic growth. Meanwhile,the growths of the cities in the three districts have significant spatial effects that cities with similar per capita GDP levels promote each other in their growth processes.
Nankai Economic Studies