In order to obtained a long term fine results of facial wrinkles rejuvenization, expanded polytetrafluoroethylene (ePTFE) has been used as a subdermal implant for the correction of deep nasolabial folds and facial wrinkles. Small incision was made adjacent to the treatment areas, subcutaneous tissue from the area was gently lifted to form a small tunnel or pocket, small pieces of ePTFE subcutaneous augmentation material (ASM) patches or threads were inserted underneath the wrinkle to fill it out. The incision was closed with stitch which was removed in a week or so. This technique has been applied in 31 patients for the correction of deep nasolabial folds and facial wrinkles. One implant had to be removed because seroma (1 patient) and it had been inserted in a secondary augmentation after 30 days. l implant required revision because malposition (1 patient). Follow-up of 19 cases for 1~9 months showed sitisfactory improvement without implant infection, extrusion, long-term inflammation or capsule formation. Implant was removed completely if there were any problem. This results strongly support the safety and efficacy in ePTFE augmentation of facial wrinkle correction both in recent and a long term.
Journal of Practical Aesthetic and Plastic Surgery
ePTEF, Augmentation, Nasolabial fold, Wrinkle