Objective To study the muhivoxel proton magnetic resonance spectroscopy (^1H-MRS) findings in peritumoral area of human brain tumors and to investigate the value of muhivoxel ^1H-MRS in evaluating of peritumoral area of brain tumors. Method A case-control experiment was performed from Dec. 2007 to Sep. 2008. Thirty-eight intracranial tumor patients were recruited in this study with 15 cases of gliomas, 9 cases .of metastases tumor and 14 cases of meningeomas. According to the classification criteria of WHO2000, 15 cases of glioma were divided into low-grade group( I - II grade) and high-grade group (Ⅲ - IV grade). All patients were not receiving chemotherapy or radiotherapy, and without injury or surgery before examination. Muhivoxel proton MRS was performed orderly using point-resolved spectroscopy(PRESS) sequence. The ROI was selected according to the feature of the focal. Spectra of three voxels were taken from parenchyma of the tumors, peritumoral region and corresponding contralateral normal appearing white matter, and these regions were evaluated in every patient. The areas of skeleton, brain ventricle, blood vessel, necrosis, bleeding area,gas and calcification were excluded from the voxel. Post-processing was completed with spectral analysis software automatically. Metabolite change of parenchyma, peritumoral region and contra lateral normal appearing white matter in the spectrum was measured. Result In muhivoxel ^1H-MRS from the parenchyma of the lesion, the ratios of NAA/Cho, NAA/Cr and Cho/Cr changed significantly by comparing with those of normal control brain tissues (P〈0.01). Ratios of NAA/Cho, NAA/Cr and Cho/Cr also showed significant differences in peritumoral areas among different brain tumors and between the low-grade gliomas and high-grade gliomas (P〈0.05). The low-grade gliomas and high-grade gliomas differed significantly in the ratios of Glx/Cr (P〈0.05). Conclusion Evaluation of peritumoral region of brain tumors with muhivoxel ^1H-MRS combining with rout
Progress of Anatomical Sciences
brain tumor
peritumoral area
magnetic resonance spectroscopy