
ICT和教师专业发展--瑞典案例介绍及理论框架 被引量:3

ICT and Teacher Professional Development——Four Swedish Cases and The Theoretical Framework
摘要 作为技术支持的教师专业发展(TETPD)国际比较研究的一部分,本文介绍了瑞典部分的背景、理论框架以及设计,关注的焦点是ICT与教育领域的教师专业发展(TPD)。其中,ICT被看作是一项能够支持教与学实践的技术。本文进一步的目的就是从两个维度为瑞典的多重个案研究提供一个框架:第一个维度是关于教师专业发展的权属和管理问题,既包括由上而下的政府项目,也包括由下而上由参与者推动的计划;第二个维度是关于教师专业发展的方法或者模式问题,既包含传统的面对面模式,也包含在线学习模式。通过该框架,我们选出了四个使用ICT进行教师专业发展的项目作为案例,并将其与关于TPD模型和项目的不同观点,以及Villegas-Reimers对TPD的新观点联系起来。最后,本文还讨论了这些项目在支持教与学中的ICT应用方面的意义和前景。 In this paper, the background, theoretical framework and design of the Swedish part of an international comparative study of Technology Enhanced Teacher Professional Development (TETPD) are presented, The focus of the paper is on Teacher Professional Development (TPD) in areas of ICT and education in which ICT is considered as a technology that could enhance the practice of teaching and learning. The further aim of the paper is to provide a framework for a muhiple case study in Sweden in two dimensions. The first dimension concerns ownership and management including both top-down governmental programs and bottom-up participant driven initiatives. The Second dimension concerns methods or modes in which both traditional face-to-face programs and programs run in virtual environments as online communities are included. Through the use of the framework, four different cases that are described as programs in which ICT is used in and for TPD are selected. The four cases are presented and related to the different perspectives on models and programs for TPD, and the new perspective on TPD suggested by Villegas-Reimers. The significance and prospect of the programs in terms of enhancing the use of ICT for teaching and learning are then discussed.
出处 《远程教育杂志》 CSSCI 2009年第3期24-27,共4页 Journal of Distance Education
基金 瑞典科学研究理事会资助的“技术支持的教师专业发展研究:中国与瑞典的比较”项目(编号:348-2007-6833)之阶段性成果之三。项目瑞方负责人是中瑞典大学OlaLinberg博士,中方负责人是华南师范大学焦建利教授
关键词 教师专业发展 技术支持的教师专业发展 ICT Teacher's Professional Development Technology Enhanced Teacher Professional Development ICT
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