6[2]Harold B.Burnham.Chinese Velvets A Technical Study.The University of Toronto Press.1959:14 被引量:1
7[6]原文出自 Ibid.Ⅳ,52."None whatever,unless it be velvet,and they say that they do not have this,because they do not know how to make,but if they could see that manufaeture,they would learn it."转引自 Harold B.Burnham.Chinese Velvets A Technical Study.The University of Toronto Press.1959:14 被引量:1
8[7]Philippa Scott.Book of Silk.London:Thames & Hudson.1993:156,160-161 被引量:1
9[8]Yosuburo Takekoshi.The Economic Aspects of the History of the Civilization of Japan.London.1930:315 被引量:1