Relationship between abundane of zooplankton and physico-chemical fectors of seawater were studied. The studies were undertaken at Dapeng Bay, the South China Sea between March 30 and June 22, 1990. The samples were collected at 2 day intervals. For the zoopankton, qualitative and quantitative analyses were simultanously carried out. A No.2, GB36 mesh net was used for the qualitative investigation; moreover, a 2 liter water-collecting bottle was used for quantitative counting. Physico-chemical factors are analysed according to the 'Provisional Regulations for Investigation of Marine Pollution', which was issued by the State Oceanic Administraton in 1979. Eleven factors were considered; therefore, there are 990 parameters in total(i.e. 30 parameter×11×3 sampling stations). The number (ind / L) of the zooplankton as the generating sequence { X0(t )},and temperathe (℃), salinity, dissolved oxygen (mg / L), PH chlorophyll-a (μg / L), phosphate (μg / L),nitite (mg / L),nitraite (μg / L), be and Mn, as the sub-sequence{Xi(t)} (i = 1,2, ,10) were calculated.on the basis of grey incidence, the correlation degree between the reference sequence (zooplankton) and compared series (the seawater physical and chemical factors) were estimated. The results show that Mn, Fe, chlorophyll-a and dissolved oxygen were more important for the zooplankton of biomasses than other substances.
Oceanologia Et Limnologia Sinica