おhe relation between the type Ⅲ bursts and the optical activities Observed with the High-Resolution Spectrograph at Yunnan Observatory during the 22nd solar maximal years is statistically analysed in this article.It is found that the correlation between the Hα flares and the type Ⅲ bursts within the frequencies from 230 to 300 MHz is 70%, and over 80% of the type Ⅲ bursts have correlation to the bipolar magnetic structure and complex sunspot active regions. Therefore, it can be seen that the production of the type Ⅲ bursts has closed correlation to the bipolar magnetic structure and the complex sunspot active region. From the statistics one can see that Hα flares always result in the type Ⅲ bursts, however some type Ⅲ bursts have no relation to the Hα flares. 20% of the type Ⅲ bursts and the spike events are emerged altogether,and principally at the lower frequency end the spike events are appeared, which develop into the type Ⅲ bursts with the increase in the frequency. Because the type Ⅲ bursts are mainly caused by the sub-relativistic electron beams, the spike events possibly have relation to the electron beams with very high energy, which is in accordance with the coexistence of the tpye Ⅲ bursts and spike events.
Publications of the Yunnan Observatoty