ROSAT卫星的全天巡天观测探测到了一大批射电星系和各种活动星系核,为我们研究这些活动性剧烈的河外天体的辐射机制、多波段辐射相关性以及各类星系核之间的演化联系提供了重要数据。 通过将ROSAT全天巡天观测与PMN射电(5GHz)巡天观测进行交叉证认,我们得到了642颗南天射电源。对这些对应体随后进行的光学证认构建了一个星系和活动星系核的大样本。其中311个对应体(占52%)被过去的光学观测证实为河外天体(包括129个射电星系、119颗类星体、39个赛弗特星系和25个蝎虎座天体),它们的X射线、光学和射电波段的流量信息被编辑成表。这批数据可用来研究各类河外天体的宽波段能谱分布以及各波段谱指数与光度之间可能存在的相关性。
A cross-identification of the southern-sky objects with the ROSAT All-Sky Survey and PMN Radio(5GHz)Survey yields a list of 642 sources. Subsequential optical identification for all these coincidences has been taken to form a large sample of galaxies and Active Galactic Nu-clei(AGNs). As a result, 311 (52%) were previously optically identified as extragalactic objects. The fluxes detected from X-ray, optical, and radio bands for them are compiled. This database allows an investigation on broad band energy distribution and other possible correlations among spectral indices and luminosities for various types of extragalactic objects.