CP2102是美国Silicon laboratory公司生产的高集成度USB-UART桥接电路。它能够用最简单的外部电路、最少的外部器件及最小的电路板面积简便实现USB2.0到UART及RS-485接口的转换。在介绍CP2102的特性及工作原理基础上,以CP2102为核心设计了一种实现USB与UART及RS-485总线转换接口电路。
CP2102 is a highly integrated USB-UART bridge circuit manufactured by America- based Silicon Laboratory, which can realize the conversion from USB2.0 to UART and RS-485 interface with the simplest external circuit, the least external appliances, and the smallest circuit board. While introducing CP2102 features and working principle, the paper designs a bus conversion interface circuit of USB and UART and RS - 485 with CP2102 as the core.