
玉米地膜覆盖土壤水分效应及抗旱涝试验研究 被引量:19

An experimental study into corn mulching effect on moisture and drough/waterlogging resistance of soil
摘要 田间试验研究表明,地膜覆盖对玉米农田水分影响比较复杂,主要取决于天气、气候条件。在干燥少雨的条件下,地膜田耕层土壤水分明显增加,土壤相对湿度提高3—5个百分点,抑蒸保水效果明显;多云或阴天也有一定的保水效果;在多雨期,地膜增加地表径流,导致耕层水分含量减少,有利于避免涝灾发生。地膜覆盖改善了降水在农田中的分配和农田水分平衡,使土壤水分含量因天气干、湿而波动的幅度明显减小,有抗旱和防涝的双重作用。地膜改善农田水分平衡、抗旱和防涝的效果前期大于中后期,以播种至拔节期最为显著。 The example study on corn plastic mulching was conducted for the east area of Jilin Province to clear the soil moisture effect of plastic mulching and its influence on drought and waterlogging prevention. The result shows that the influence of plastic mulching on soil moisture is complex and it depends on the weather and climate change. The corn soil moisture increases obviously due to plastic mulching in dry and rainlesh day, The soil mois- ture content raises by 3% -5% , the effect of keeping soil moisture is very obvious, and the effect also exists in cloudy and overcast day. The soil moisture content decreases obviously in the rainy season because the mulching in- crease surface runoff and drain off water. The soil moisture change with weather is reduced by plastic mulching. It shows clearly that the mulching has the effect of preventing drought and waterlogging. The plastic mulching improve the rainwater ditribution and water balance in soil. The effect is more obvious in the earlier stage of corn growing than in the middle and later stages, and is the most obvious from sowing to jointing stages.
出处 《自然灾害学报》 CSCD 北大核心 2009年第3期8-13,共6页 Journal of Natural Disasters
基金 国家"十五"攻关项目"重大农林病虫害及农业气象灾害控制技术研究"(20004BA509B15)资助
关键词 玉米田 地膜覆盖 土壤水分 旱涝防御 corn cropland mulching soil moisture drought and flood prevention
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