提起俄罗斯民族音乐代表人物包罗(Alexander Borodin),人们自然会想到他的著名作品交响音画《在中亚细亚草原上》;然而,人们却很少知道他同时还是一位卓越的科学家。正是这位极不平凡的人物,在科学与艺术两个领域为人类做出了巨大贡献。作为音乐家,他给人类带来了快乐;作为科学家,他为促进人类科学发展做出了不可磨灭的贡献,从而受到世人的爱戴和敬仰。以包罗亭一生科学与艺术结合的特殊经历为主线,通过对其部分作品的分析,来试图揭示他作品中所蕴涵的民族性、英雄性与史诗性特征及其成因。
When talking about one of representatives of Russian national music---Alexander Borodin, people will come to think of his famous works Symphonic Poem "on the Prairie in Central Asia". However, very few people actually know that at the same time he is also an accomplished scientist. It is this extraordinary figure who has made great contributions to mankind, in the science and art fields. As a musician, he brought happiness to human beings; as a scientist, he has made indelible contributions to the development of science and humanity, thus received the world's love and the respect. Through the main line of his special life experiences combined with art and science, this paper tries to reveal the causes and characteristics of Alexander Borodin' s works nationality, heroic and epic by analyzing some of his works.
Journal of Xiangfan Vocational and Technical College