Study on buckling deformation of thin-walled cylindrical shells under axial impact always gains a lot of attention. Thus, it is necessary to discuss the characteristics and mechanism of dynamic response of cylindrical shells. It will enrich the relevant research of impact buckling, as well as provide theoretical basis for improving the impact resistance of structures. Lots of testing results show that the section of cylindrical shell, when buckling under axial impact, is of a regular geometric shape. The deformation type of the section is not unique, such as triangle. It is not random either. But it has its own laws. Energy consumption of circumferential buckling is formulated and calculated in this paper. The relations between the number of folded edges, the radius of the cylindrical shell and the energy of buckling are also provided. In virtue of the principle of minimum energy consumption, the existence of the regulation of buckling deformation is confirmed. It shows in the analysis that as the radius of the shell increases, the non-axisymmetric buckling mode can change from the triangle shape to a polygon shape. And it is possible to change to an axisymmetric buckling shape finally.
Noise and Vibration Control
vibration and wave
principle of minimum energy consumption
non - axisymmetical buckling
energy consumption of buckling