为了解决由TDI CCD芯片供货不及时、容易损坏而又价格昂贵等因素给TDI CCD相机的电路调试阶段的工作带来的不便,设计了一款TDI CCD电性模拟器。此器件采用以高速运算放大器作输入,FPGA作主控,高速DAC作数模转换,高速运放作输出的结构。它能较好的模拟TDI CCD器件电输入输出性能,能在不用TDI CCD芯片的条件下,完成各种相关的实验工作。
In the scientific research of TDI CCD camera and engineering application, sometimes it is very inconvenient to use TDI CCD chip for some reason like: we can't get TDI CCD chip in time, or the chip is very fragile but very expensive .etc. To solve this problem we design a novel device using FPGA and high speed DAC to replace TDI CCD chip in some experiment and application. We can get the experiment related done without the real CCD chip.
Control & Automation