
基于概率计算模型改进的相关性层次遮挡裁剪算法 被引量:2

Improved Coherent Hierarchical Culling Algorithm Based on Probability Computing Model
摘要 对复杂动态场景进行高效的可见性裁剪是实时绘制领域研究中的一个重要问题.围绕该问题开展工作,并针对相关性遮挡裁剪算法中的问题进行了改进.针对相关性层次遮挡裁剪算法存在冗余和不必要遮挡查询的问题,给出了一种概率计算模型.通过比较遮挡查询时间开销与绘制时间开销的数学期望,改进了相关性遮挡裁剪算法中遮挡查询的查询策略,从而进一步缩小了查询集合,使遮挡查询更加合理.实验结果表明,该算法对深度复杂度高、面片数量大的复杂动态场景有较好的裁剪效率,能够很好地满足实时绘制的要求. The efficient visibility culling method is one of the important research aspects of real time rendering oi complexle dynamic scene. This paper researches the visibility culling problem and improves the coherent hierarchical eulling (CHC) algorithm. To handle the redundancy and unnecessary visibility culling of CHC, a probability computing model is presented. The model first calculates the expectation of occlusion query time and rendering time, then compares them to improve the query strategy of CHC algorithm. Experimental results show that with the model high culling efficiency can be achieved in the dynamic scene with highly complex depth and large amount of objects, and also achieve real-time rendering results.
出处 《软件学报》 EI CSCD 北大核心 2009年第6期1685-1693,共9页 Journal of Software
基金 国家自然科学基金Nos.60873159 60533070 教育部跨世纪优秀人才培养计划 国家高技术研究发展计划(863No.2006AA01Z333~~
关键词 复杂动态场景 实时绘制 可见性裁剪 相关性遮挡裁剪 概率计算模型 complexly dynamic scene real time rendering visibility culling coherent hierarchical culling probability computing model
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