针对锅炉自动控制系统的特点,分析了锅炉控制的工艺,并结合一台58 MW双炉排燃煤热水锅炉自动控制系统的工程案例,采用SUPMAX800 DCS控制系统。对锅炉DCS控制系统中的控制策略及软件实施方案,进行了详尽的分析,提出了有针对性的方案。该设计所应用项目已安全、可靠、稳定地运行了4个采暖季。
The paper analyzed the boiler's control craft according to the features of boiler's automatic control system. Combined with a 58 MW double coal-fired hot water boiler's automatic control system case, it adopted SUPMAX800 DCS control system. The paper introduces the system structure, the software designing, the hardware designing and control arithmetic about the control system. It analyzed the control strategy and software implementary project of the boiler's DCS control system, and raised the correlative resolve project. This case had run for four years with safety, reliable and stable.
Instrument Technique and Sensor