One of the most important issues of modern cosmology concerns the acceleration of the cosmological expansion, which has been discovered by recent supernovae, CMBR and LSS observations. Most attempts have been done to explain this acceleration. Currently there are three kinds of mechanism for cosmic acceleration: (1) Dark energy is regarded as a source of the Einstein field equation. The nature of the dark energy is unknown but it behaves like a fluid with negative pressure, that can drive the universe to accelerate. By focusing our attention on specific examples of dark energy scenarios, we discuss several different candidates for this dark component, namely, ACDM, holographic dark energy model, chaplygin gas model and some scalar field models. Among them ACDM fits the data best. But it is embarrassed by the cosmological constant problem. In this case, people proposed holographic dark energy model, chaplygin gas model, and some scalar field models, however, these models still do not solve the cosmological constant problem thoroughly. (2) The modified gravity theory is considered in the present Hubble scale, in which the acceleration is regarded as the property of the gravity theory, without any exotic negative pressure component. Examples of modified gravity theory include braneworld model and f(R) gravity. The above mentioned two mechanisms are based on the cosmological principle, which considers that our universe is isotropic and homogeneous. (3) The inhomogeneoty of our universe is used to explain the acceleration. This can happen in two ways: (1) locally via backreaction and observational effects, and via large scale inhomogeneity. (2) Small scale inhomogeneity has two effects: The backreaction from small scale inhomogeneity to the large scale geometry can generate a dynamic effect in the effective Friedmann equation for the cosmology; Small scale inhomogeneity has significant effects on the propagation of photons, with potentially important effects on observations.A large scal
Progress In Astronomy
accelerating expansion
dark energy
theoretical models